Friday 9 August 2013

30w+5. Shop. But definately not until you drop!

Well here we are 30w+5. At our growth scan on Tuesday twins were about 3lb13oz each so I'm guessing with the amount of Ben and Jerry's that I have been eating they will be 4lb pretty soon! They will also be here at sometime within the next 5.5 weeks which is exciting but also scary. The stitch, which I'm pretty sure is what is holding them in,comes out in about 3.5w and I'm fairly sure that that will set things going if they haven't arrived already.

They are already causing trouble. Every time I end up in hospital in a premature labour scare (which is often) I get hooked up to a ctg monitor to monitor the babies' heart rates and check for contractions. The twins DO NOT like this one bit. The second the midwife gets both heart beats and leaves the cubicle so we can get half an hour trace, they move, the machine gets 2 heart beats that are the same and an alarm goes off or it measures none because they have kicked the sensors and knocked their position. From all the cubicles around you can hear the reassuring regular wooshing of babies heart beats...from ours you can hear what sounds like a cross between a washing machine and a radio being tuned as they cause havoc!

Me and my very uncoperative twins on the CTG monitor.
Apart from having premature labour scares, the other thing that we have been doing recently is preparing for the Little Brooomhalls' arrival. This has been much harder than I thought. Like most pregnant women, I want to choose lovely things for my babies. However, unlike lots of other pregnant women, at the moment that comes with fear and guilt attatched to it.

We have now brought most of the nursery furniture but it is all still boxed up.. I'm not superstitious but a bit of me dare not unpack it and I definitely haven't started on the blooming curtains. We packed the babies' hospital bag the other day and a bit of me felt so guilty that we hadn't got lovely new clothes for Oliver and Matthew. Obviously, this was because of their unexpectedly early arrival but It still made me feel like a bad mother, that I'd brought lots of nice things for one set of babies but not the other.

The one thing we, well Chris, has done is put up the light in the nursery. It is immensely funky....

In a way it seems appropriate that light is the first thing in the room!

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